Monday, January 24, 2011

{tasty} so NOT a food blogger

It is a good thing food blogging isn't my sole purpose here. It wouldn't survive me. My camera is currently sitting within arms reach of my kitchen and has been there for the last several days. Did it even occur to me to pick it up a snap some pictures while cooking dinner tonight? Of course not!

Even though I plan my meals out every week, so I know what I will be making, I still find myself rushing to get dinner done every night. Tonight was not so much that I was rushing, but that I was literally doing 5 things at once. Balsamic vinegar reducing on one burner. Kale sauteeing on another. Water boiling for gnocchi on a third burner. A grill pan heating up on the last, waiting for some ultra thin round steaks. And cubed butternut squash roasting in the oven. 

I did however snap a photo with my phone. Its possible I rely on it a little too much. 

It was at this point that all the seperate components were coming together to look ever so lovely and delicious. 

And it didnt end here. I tossed in about a cup of Classico Sun-Dried Tomato pasta sauce, best canned sauce ever! And served with a little balsamic reduction and Parmesan cheese on top, and my super thin steaks on the side. The steak was not the star. It wasn't even necessary. But hey, what can I say? We like meat. 

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